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Cost of private lessons
Posted by Joe
1/5/2016  7:22:00 PM
The various forums cover every imaginable topic having to do with Ballroom Dancing with the exception of cost. My wife started dancing 2 years ago with a small package of private and group lessons as well as unlimited practice time and complimentary monthly socials at her studio.
As the initial package was about to expire another package was offered with perhaps 10 privates and 10 groups as well as the practices and socials for about $1000.00.
When the end of that package was in sight the only option offered was a package of 50 privates and 50 groups with the same practice and socials included.
It seems that she is in fact paying $100 a private lesson and the rest of the package is nice but not really having much value since socials remain monthly, "unlimited" practice is only available during specific none lesson studio times if an instructor is there to open the studio and group lessons are not necessarily designated for a particular dance in advance.
As this package draws to a conclusion I am wary as to just how much more the term will be extended. I am concerned that after paying in full within 12 weeks (a requirement of the studio ownership) that the business could fold at any time or that the lone certified instructor could take ill. The owner/partners could break up or even the students could suffer a critical or severe illness which would prohibit future dancing.
This seems unreasonable to me not to offer shorter terms and smaller packages.

Your comments would be appreciated. Thank you.
Re: Cost of private lessons
Posted by ladydance
1/6/2016  7:30:00 PM
I think that being required to purchase 50 private lessons in advance is unreasonable and I wouldn't do it. As you point out, many things could happen to prevent you taking those lessons. If you don't find the groups, practice time and monthly socials useful, then you are paying a lot for private lessons. I would look around for another studio or renegociate with the one you're with. Don't think they won't do it, I don't know a studio that doesn't make deals to keep students. I manage a studio - our only package is 'buy 11 private lessons for the price of 10'. The student has a year to use their package. Our privates lessons are $60 to $75 an hour depending on the instructor. No one has to pay in advance. The day they start their package is the day they pay. You are right to question their business practices and don't let them play any emotional games with you. Dancers can become very attached to their instructor and their studio and some studios exploit this.

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